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Model finder for higher-order logic

Translation of Higher-Order Constructs

What are the higher-order constructs? I believe this is a complete list:

C1. Terms as formulas: x && y, where x, y : prop

C2. Formulas within terms: p (x a = x) → p true

C3. Lambda-abstractions: (fun x y. y + x) = (+)

C4. Higher-order arguments: map f [x] = [f x]

C5. Partial function applications: f = g → f x = g x

C6. Higher-order quantification: forall x. exists f. f x = x

C1 and C2 are not an issue for SMT-LIB or Nunchaku already today.


C3 (lambda-abstractions) can be eliminated by extensionality and by a transformation that performs lambda-lifting (defunctionalization, supercombinators).


Applying extensionality in this case means translating

lhs = rhs

where either lhs or rhs is a lambda-abstraction (not otherwise!) to

forall x. lhs x = rhs x


empty = (fun x. false)


forall x. empty x = false


Lambda-lifting introduces a new function symbol corresponding to each lambda-abstraction. That symbol takes all the free variables of the lambda-abstraction’s body as argument, before taking the lambda argument itself.


... forall u v. P (fun x. fun y. F x y u v) ...


... forall u v. P (lifted1 u v) ...

rec lifted1 :=
  lifted1 u v = (fun x. fun y. F x y u v).

which by extensionality becomes

... forall u v. P (lifted1 u v) ...

rec lifted1 :=
  lifted1 u v x y = F x y u v.

A single definition (lifted1) is sufficient for an iterated lambda-abstraction (here fun x. fun y. …).

Higher-Order Arguments and Partial Function Applications

C4 (higher-order arguments) and C5 (partial function applications) go hand in hand. In fact, C6 (higher-order quantification) is also a prerequisite for C4, but we will study it in more generality below.

Specialization is a neat trick that takes care of some higher-order quantifiers, e.g., the arguments to a map function. We will assume that it has been applied already and look at the remaining higher-order arguments.

Consider the following example (substitution on de Bruijn terms):

rec subst : (nat -> term) -> term -> term :=
  forall rho j. subst rho (Var j) = rho j;
  forall rho t. subst rho (Lam t) = Lam (subst (bump 0 rho) t);
  forall rho t u. subst rho (App t u) = App (subst rho t) (subst rho u).

rec bump : nat -> (nat -> term) -> nat -> term :=
  forall n rho. bump rho 0 = Var n;
  forall n rho m. bump rho (Suc m) = lift (rho m).


The trick here is to replace the higher-order function arrow by a new type. We could call it an (associative) “array” but that would be confusing because we are not going to use the built-in SMT theory of arrays to represent them. Let us call such new types handle types, and values of those types handles.

Each handle type H corresponding to the function space T → U is equipped with the following sort and operations:

(* the actual operations *)
val app_H : H -> T -> U.
val proto_H : H -> T.

(* an abstraction type with two gamma projections *)
val alpha_H : type.
val gamma1_H : alpha_H -> H.
val gamma2_H : alpha_H -> T.

(We’ll drop the _Hs when the context is clear.) The intuition is as follows:

We sometimes identify alpha with a product type H * T for notational convenience. The alpha type is similar to the type of the same name in the first-order translation for the app function (SMT 2015).

Example 1: The function that maps 0 to 1, 1 to 2, and every other integer to 0 can be represented semantically by the handle h below:

app h 0 = 1
app h 1 = 2
app h 7 = 0
proto h = 7

alpha = {(h, 0), (h, 1), (h, 7)}

Example 2: The successor function on the integers can be approximated by

app h 0 = 1
app h 1 = 2
app h 7 = 8
proto h = 12

alpha = {(h, 0), (h, 1), (h, 7)}

Handle Axioms

If two handles are distinct, they must really correspond to distinct functions. This is extensionality and can be axiomatized as follows:

axiom forall h : H, k : H.
  h = k || (exists x : T. APP h x ~= APP k x).

with the following abbreviation:

  exists b : alpha. gamma1 b = h && gamma2 b = proto h.

APP h j :=
  if exists b : alpha. gamma1 b = h && gamma2 b = j then
    app h j
    app h (proto h)
    asserting HAS_PROTO h.


For each function symbol in the problem, we compute the minimum number of arguments it ever occurs with and pass additional arguments using app in the definition. For each recursively defined functions, we require

|| (forall x. exists b. gamma1 b = h && gamma2 b = x)

but drop the second conjunct if x ranges over an infinite type.

Finally, any call to a function variable needs to perform a complicated lookup routine, with suitable guards (all hidden in the APP abbreviation). For our running example, we have

val H : type.
val app : H -> nat -> term.
val proto : H -> term.

val alpha : type.
val gamma1 : alpha -> nat.
val gamma2 : alpha -> term.

rec subst : H -> term -> term :=
  forall h j. subst h (Var j) = APP h j;
  forall h t. subst h (Lam t) = Lam (subst (bump 0 h) t);
  forall h t u. subst h (App t u) = App (subst h t) (subst h u).

rec bump : nat -> H -> H :=
  forall n h m.
    app (bump n h) m = (match m with | 0 => Var n | Suc k => lift (APP h k)).

When bump is later translated using the first-order encoding of recursive functions (SMT 2015), some special handling is necessary to distinguish between the actual function application and the indirect one through app:

rec bump : nat -> H -> H :=
  forall (a : alpha_bump) (b : alpha_H).
    gamma1_H b = bump (gamma1_bump a) (gamma2_bump a) ->
    app (bump (gamma1_bump a) (gamma2_bump a)) (gamma2_H b) =
      (match m with
       | 0 => Var (gamma1_bump a)
       | Suc k => lift (APP (gamma2_bump a) k)).

And we need one more axiom to say that bump has no prototype since the second argument to app is an infinite type (nat):

axiom forall (a : alpha_bump).
  let h = bump (gamma1_bump a) (gamma2_bump a) in
    ~ HAS_PROTO h.

Had the type been finite, we could have written

axiom forall (a : alpha_bump).
  let h = bump (gamma1_bump a) (gamma2_bump a) in
    ~ HAS_PROTO h
    || (forall x. exists b. gamma1_H b = h && gamma2_H b = x)

thereby allowing an alpha_H that covers the entire domain of an app (bump n h) x call. The key thing is: We only allow trivial prototypes, i.e., prototypes that talk about only one element (because all elements are covered by alpha values).

Partially Applied Functions as Arguments to Equality

A comparison f = g for f, g functions is problematic. After the above translation, f and g are handles. But the same handle can correspond to two distinct functions. For example,

rec bad :=
  bad 0 = (S 0);
  bad (S 0) = S (S 0);
  bad (S (S n)) = 0.


rec suc :=
  suc n = S n.

may both be approximated by the handle

app f 0 = 1
app f 1 = 2
proto f = 7

alpha = {(f, 0), (f, 1)}

This means we have to be careful when comparing handles. In negative contexts, equalities such as f = g can be left as is. (Indeed, we rely implicitly on this for the built-in equality rules, e.g. congruence.) After all, in such contexts, it is OK to return true instead of false. In positive contexts, we need a full scale comparison like this:

f = g

In unpolarized contexts, we can have

f = g

Higher-Order Quantification

If we are lucky, skolemization eliminates a higher-order quantifier before it causes any trouble. Or perhaps the higher-order quantifier is in a recursive definition, and then it becomes first-order thanks to the introduction of a handle.

If the quantification is of the form \forall x. f x = g x (for some terms f x and g x that may contain x), it can be rewritten into f = g, and then the techniques for partially applied functions as arguments to equality apply.

The remaining cases are:

Epsilon and Iota

Predefine the following (or export asserting to users):

rec epsilon : pi a. (a -> prop) -> prop :=
  epsilon Q = epsilon Q asserting
       Q (epsilon Q)
    || (Q = fun x. false)

rec iota : pi a. (a -> prop) -> prop :=
  iota Q = iota Q asserting
       Q (iota Q)
    || (Q = fun x. false)
    || (exists x y. ~ (x = y) && Q x && Q y).

Other possible names:

some / the
indefinite_desc / definite_desc
choice / ???

definite_choice is not a good name — the word choice is normally reserved for epsilon.

epsilon and iota would be specializable (but congruence rules would be necessary in general).

It might be useful to define two other symbols, which can be used internally (e.g., to encode quotients) or by some frontend when it is certain that there exists at least one element satisfying Q (in place of epsilon) or exactly one (in place of iota).

rec epsilon! : pi a. (a -> prop) -> prop :=
  epsilon! Q = epsilon! Q asserting
       Q (epsilon! Q)

rec iota! : pi a. (a -> prop) -> prop :=
  iota! Q = iota! Q asserting
       Q (iota! Q)

No congruence rules are needed for iota! when specializing; otherwise, epsilon! and iota! are identical.