Pipeline components
type inference: infer implicit type parameters, and check that the problem is well-typed
skolemization: replace existential variables in the goal by fresh constant/function symbols
monomorphization: specialize polymorphic functions and types, and perform dependency analysis to keep only the relevant types and definitions
elim matching: encode pattern matching into
constructs that can be used by CVC4 -
recursion elimination: encoding of recursive functions that are more suitable for CVC4’s finite model finding.
conversion to FO: check that the problem is now monomorphic first-order, and translate it to a specialized format
elim multiple equations: (wip) convert Haskell-like definitions, with multiple definitions for a single function, into a single-equation + pattern matching (à la Coq).
specialization: (todo) specialize higher-order functions (e.g.,
) to their functional arguments, to obtain a first-order function. For instance,map (fun x -> x+1)
should becomemap_42 : list nat -> list nat
wheremap_42 l = match l with nil -> nil | cons x l -> cons (x+1) (map_42 l) end
inlining/unfolding: (todo) related to specialization, this replaces some non-recursive functions by their definition
encoding HO functions to arrays: (todo) to have CVC4 synthesize some function
τ1 → τ2
passed as argument to another function, whereτ1
is a finite type, encode the function as anarray τ1 τ2
. -
encoding dependent types: (todo) once we have dependent types, remove term arguments to a type and instead use some predicate to enforce typing invariant. For instance,
vec : nat -> type -> type
becomesvec_ : type -> type
, andforall v:(vec n τ). p[v]
becomesforall v:(vec τ). well-formed-vec n v => p[v]
wherewell-formed-vec n v
is an inductive predicate basically enforcing thatn = length v
. -
CVC4: send the first-order problem to CVC4 in SMTlib syntax, and read a model back if it indicates
. -
Narrowing (smbc): (wip) given a problem where every symbol is computable (defined as a function rather than uninterpreted symbol + axioms), use symbolic evaluation + refinement of variables of inductive type to obtain counter-example values.
Recursive Functions
The recursive (well-founded) functions need to be encoded:
val fib : nat -> nat
let rec fib n =
if n = 0 then 0
else if n = 1 then 1
fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
requires quantification over nat : type
which is infinite. Instead we approximate its argument by gamma_nat : pseudo_nat -> nat
(uninterpreted type to be dealt with by finite model finding) and it becomes:
val fib : nat -> nat
forall x. gamma_nat x = 0 => fib (gamma_nat x) = 0.
forall x. gamma_nat x = 1 => fib (gamma_nat x) = 1.
forall x.
exists m1 m2.
gamma_nat m1 = (gamma_nat n) - 1 && gamma_nat m2 = (gamma_nat n) - 2
fib (gamma_nat n) = fib (gamma_nat m1) + fib (gamma_nat m2))
See Model Finding for Recursive Functions in SMT. Also, model extraction should only translate fib
on a domain restricted to values that are in the image of gamma_nat
(other values are “junk”).
For (co)inductive types, selectors and tester should be used since SMT solvers do not have pattern-matching (yet?).
Inductive Predicates
inductive even : nat -> prop :=
even 0 ;
even n => even n ; # not well-founded!
even n => even (n+2).
Two possible approaches.
Reference http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/papers/ind.html
À la Coq
Add an argument that is used to make the recursion well-founded (or productive, for coinductive predicates).
data even_witness :=
| case0
| case_same even_witness
| case_plus2 even_witness.
val even' : even_witness -> nat -> prop
rec even' :=
even' case0 0 ;
even' (case_same w) n = even' w n ;
even' (case_plus2 w) (n+2) = even' w n.
Note that every case is now well-founded.
À la Nitpick
Approximation that depends on the polarity. Declare even2 : nat -> nat -> prop
where the first nat
is an index.
positive | negative |
even2 0 _ = false |
even2 0 _ = true |
even2 k n = even2 (k-1) 0 ∨ even2 (k-1) n ∨ even2 (k-1) (n-2) |
same |
Then even n
is either exists k. even2 k n
, or we can enumerate k
starting from 0
(or CVC4 could).