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Model finder for higher-order logic

Pipeline components

Recursive Functions

The recursive (well-founded) functions need to be encoded:

val fib : nat -> nat

let rec fib n =
  if n = 0 then 0
  else if n = 1 then 1
    fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

requires quantification over nat : type which is infinite. Instead we approximate its argument by gamma_nat : pseudo_nat -> nat (uninterpreted type to be dealt with by finite model finding) and it becomes:

val fib : nat -> nat

forall x. gamma_nat x = 0 => fib (gamma_nat x) = 0.
forall x. gamma_nat x = 1 => fib (gamma_nat x) = 1.
forall x.
  exists m1 m2.
      gamma_nat m1 = (gamma_nat n) - 1 && gamma_nat m2 = (gamma_nat n) - 2
      fib (gamma_nat n) = fib (gamma_nat m1) + fib (gamma_nat m2))

See Model Finding for Recursive Functions in SMT. Also, model extraction should only translate fib on a domain restricted to values that are in the image of gamma_nat (other values are “junk”).

For (co)inductive types, selectors and tester should be used since SMT solvers do not have pattern-matching (yet?).

Inductive Predicates


inductive even : nat -> prop :=
  even 0 ;
  even n => even n ;  # not well-founded!
  even n => even (n+2).

Two possible approaches.


À la Coq

Add an argument that is used to make the recursion well-founded (or productive, for coinductive predicates).

data even_witness :=
  | case0
  | case_same even_witness
  | case_plus2 even_witness.

val even' : even_witness -> nat -> prop

rec even' :=
  even' case0 0 ;
  even' (case_same w) n = even' w n ;
  even' (case_plus2 w) (n+2) = even' w n.

Note that every case is now well-founded.

À la Nitpick

Approximation that depends on the polarity. Declare even2 : nat -> nat -> prop where the first nat is an index.

positive negative
even2 0 _ = false even2 0 _ = true
even2 k n = even2 (k-1) 0 ∨ even2 (k-1) n ∨ even2 (k-1) (n-2) same

Then even n is either exists k. even2 k n, or we can enumerate k starting from 0 (or CVC4 could).